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The next regular meeting of the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority Board of Commissioners will be in person, at the Flynn Center 981 H St.

Hours Of Operations.

  • Monday-Sunday 8AM-5PM
Transfer Stations
  • Crescent City
  • Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM
  • Saturday-Sunday 9AM-5PM
  • Klamath
  • Wednesdays, Sundays, 10AM - 4PM
  • Gasquet
  • Saturdays, 10 AM - 4 PM

It's The Law

Under California law, commercial businesses must have some kind of recycling program. California's Commercial Recycling Mandate applies to all multi-family residential properties with five or more units, and each commercial or public entity that generates four cubic yards or 880 pounds or more of solid waste and recyclable or compostable materials per week, or that generates sixteen cubic yards or 3520 pounds of solid waste, recyclable or compostable materials. For more information on what these requirements mean for your business or agency and easy ways to comply, contact the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority at (707) 465-1100. Under locally-adopted Ordinances and a new California State Law that goes into effect in July 2012, landlords are required to provide recycling collections from their residential properties, and commercial businesses that dispose four cubic yards (about 880 pounds) or more per week are required to recycle as well. In 1989 the State of California passed a law requiring every City and County to reduce the amount of trash disposed 50% by the year 2000. In Del Norte County, we have long since exceeded this diversion or recycling rate, and are committed to strive toward Zero Waste well into the future.

1700 State Street Crescent City, CA 95531

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